As I have been commissioned a few times to make the ring designs that I have on my online shop in different sizes, I wondered if there was any kind of a market for adjustable rings.
The first few people to post on this thread said that it was a cheap look. Not for the quality jewellery market. They certainly would not pay more than $20 for an adjustable ring.
Others said that it pinched the finger....which is what I've always found.
I started to think that everyone was of the same mind until I read the post saying that they were always of the same point of view as the others until the day when arthritis reared it's head.
The fingers stay the same size but the knuckles swell enough to make the wearing of rings difficult at best. They then went on to say that a good adjustable ring would be a good solution.
Another poster reminded me of my own affliction, one which means that you have to be vigilant on warm days. Saying that your fingers swell doesn't sound like much of a problem Mine swell a couple of sizes as soon as I become warm. You only have a couple of chances to get the thing off your finger before the very act of trying to remove it makes it swell even more. So I can see the value of it.
At the end, the last few posters were in agreement that the idea reminded them of rings they wore as a child....from a cracker or a bubblegum machine.
That was it.
They had thrown down the gauntlet.
I couldn't back away now. Not now the challenge had been levelled. I had to make something that was going to turn their heads, something that didn't repulse or pinch, Something that could be both practical and beautiful.
So today saw me in the shed (during the hottest day we've seen so far this year)
The adjustment system that I used was a thickish round wire, soldered at one end to the underneath side of the bezel, forming a ring shape and then overlapping at the top.
It's comfortable, chic, an invisible join and most of all...adjustable.
Now that I have it made, I promised the people on my thread that I'd post it in another forum for their delectation. Or not. Give them the chance to tell me if it's rubbish or brill.
I'll let you know the verdict.